

Do you have refund policy?

Yes, it applies only if you got a game that is either damaged or have missing components.

How the refund process works?

You send us an email and we will send someone to take the game back from you.

Do you have any shops other than the store?

No, we only sell through this online portal.

I can't find my city in the available cities, what to do?

Just select the "other" option and write your city in the description part.

I get "Order has been rejected by system", what is this?

Most probably our delivery solution can't currently reach your area.

Regardless we will personally call you and tell you the reason.

Do you ship outside Egypt ?

No, we currently ship only in Egypt but soon we will be shipping to the Middle East.

Why can't I change my username and/or my email?

Once you create your email you can't change it. Username also can't be changed if you use social login.